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Не знаю что за песня, но реально штырит! Сообщение отредактировал MrStitch: Вчера, 15:32


Это кавер на Hollywood Undead - Undead


Вот он:




Ну а у меня KMFDM играет:


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Стихотворение «Child of the pure unclouded brow…», выступающее эпиграфом к «Алисе в Зазеркалье»:




Child of the pure unclouded brow

And dreaming eyes of wonder!

Though time be fleet, and I and thou

Are half a life asunder,

Thy loving smile will surely hail

The love-gift of a fairy-tale.


I have not seen thy sunny face,

Nor heard thy silver laughter;

No thought of me shall find a place

In thy young life’s hereafter –

Enough that now thou wilt not fail

To listen to my fairy-tale.


A tale begun in other days,

When summer suns were glowing –

A simple chime, that served to time

The rhythm of our rowing –

Whose echoes live in memory yet,

Though envious years would say ‘forget’.


Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread,

With bitter tidings laden,

Shall summon to unwelcome bed

A melancholy maiden!

We are but older children, dear,

Who fret to find our bedtime near.


Without, the frost, the blinding snow,

The storm-wind’s moody madness –

Within, the firelight’s ruddy glow,

And childhood’s nest of gladness.

The magic words shall hold thee fast:

Thou shalt not heed the raving blast.


And though the shadow of a sigh

May tremble through the story,

For ‘happy summer days’ gone by,

And vanish’d summer glory –

It shall not touch with breath of bale

The pleasance of our fairy-tale.



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Человек я дикий, чего сейчас в телевизоре крутят не в курсе(

Подозреваю, что это... попса 0_0... но в данной точке пространства-времени оно играет)



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