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Code Geass: sound episode, Picture Drama


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http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=2elp8v0ULJo -- 9.35 Лелуш жжот. Лелуш\СС прилагается. Каллен-фансервис тоже
Не 9.35, а 9.34!

Эх, если бы преводы продолжились...

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  • Ответов 73
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  • 2 недели спустя...

Думаю, для многих это будет интересно. Скачать картиночную драмму номер 9.34 можно здесь: (маленькая картинка, почему-то...)


Следующая, пятая по счёту должна быть с номером 12.59, который можно уже посмотреть здесь:


Изменено пользователем Vakrug (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  • 4 недели спустя...
http://www.tokyotosho.com/details.php?id=186645 -- 12.31, кажется, здесь Шнай с плёткой... Изменено пользователем Chemist (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Люди, а где ж четвертую с пятой найти можно теперь? Мининова и Тотошка че-то не дают ответа... А Ю-туб - это видео для мобильного телефона...
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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Всех с восстановлением форума!


И маленький подарок:


Picture Drama R1


2 дорожки(яп и Куба77), сабы

www.megaupload.com/?d=JDOJ0JYT знакомство с Сузаку

www.megaupload.com/?d=ABFTGXMF 3.25

www.megaupload.com/?d=KHU4PWS9 6.75

www.megaupload.com/?d=QXW3RKJY 9.75

www.depositfiles.com/files/amemjmvi4 4.33

www.depositfiles.com/files/4hsdbt2n9 8.75

www.depositfiles.com/files/0aazi8rec 9.33

www.depositfiles.com/files/6qoyql1vo 22.25

www.depositfiles.com/files/illtd5niq 23.95


С первым сезоном покончено... со вторым жопа, ибо у меня есть только 6-я и 4-я и то в равке... куда делось всё русское+саундэпизоды -- хз, видимо, пали жертвой фоматирования(сомневаюсь, что на болванках)... а найти на скачку сейчас их нереально... я и эти то в локалке выловил, а не на анимереакторе, откуда они родом, и где их, как это не дико, нет.


Перевод ВСЕХ Саундэпизодов первого сезона, "Новелл Ашфорда" и *АХТУНГ!* исторических очерков. К сожалению, инглиш... тут уж се ля ви.


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Даже в голову не приходило))) Там сейчас есть семь рипов... все семь драм уже качаю... АРИГАТО!

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эээ.... простите за мою глупость, что что такое саунд эпизоды и пикчер драма? ^_^ *

Канон. Пикчердрама -- короткая иллюстрированная видеоистория, Саунд -- аудиозапись.

Пикчеры идут как допматериал на ДВД, саунды выпускаются на отдельных дисках. Все пикчеры -- 100% канон, саунды первого сезона -- 100% канон(выше привёл переводы на английском, плюс исторические статьи и новеллы), второго -- 50% канон, 50% -- стёб и трава.

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  • 2 недели спустя...


- rebuilding of Ashford

- Jeremiah uses his geass canceller on the student council

- Rivalz -> next president?

- talk about transplanting a legendary tree

- fireworks




из последней пикчер драмы

Изменено пользователем Маримо-кун (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  • 2 недели спустя...

http://tokyotosho.info/details.php?id=210433 -- рип 8-го диска.

http://www.4shared.com/file/102452010/b46291d6/r2_pd09.html -- 9-я пикчер.


Спойлер {option}
Gino: Oh, wow. It hasn't changed at all.

Gino: Ashford Academy was perfectly reconstructed.

Milly: That's because my grandfather said he didn't want anything different.

Rivalz: Well, it has to be like this, or it isn't our school!



(They're talking about carpentry and I don't care.)


Milly: Heh... Kallen, you're not pretending to be so frail anymore!

Kallen: Yes.

Gino: Pretending? What're we talking about?

Nina: Gino-san, a girl has to have her secrets.

Gino: Gah.

Rivalz: Nina, you've really changed.

Nina: Have I?

Kallen: The boys haven't changed enough.

Gino: Oho, is that so.

Kallen: Well, isn't it true? Oblivious, just like a nobleman.

Gino: Not like a nobleman! Just like a boy.


Viletta: Haha. They haven't changed at all.

Sayoko: So they came?

Viletta: When I first became a teacher here, I thought it would be a pain,

Viletta: but somehow now it's strangely nostalgic.

Sayoko: How is it? Being so high-ranking.

Viletta: I think being a general suited me better than being First Lady.

Sayoko: Hehe, yes. Your legendary spirit certainly makes you stand out.

Viletta: Legendary?

Sayoko: This is the place where Viletta-san pledged her love to Prime Minister Ougi.

Sayoko: Even now, there's a feeling in the air of love that's borne fruit. It's becoming a legend.

Viletta: Th, that-- No one should know that Kaname and I-- How could...?

Sayoko: I am from the Shinozaki ninja clan, after all.


Kallen: I still want to know who's better with a Knightmare.

Gino: Me, too. We still haven't--

Milly: SHUT UP~!

Milly: There will be none, none of that here! That's an order from the student council president!

Kallen: I guess it can't be helped.

Gino: It's the president's magic.

Rivalz: Um, actually, I'm the student council president now...

Nina: Eh?! Really?

Kallen: Well, by process of elimination...

Gino: Hahahaha, it doesn't suit him at all!

Nunnally: I disagree.


Nunnally: I'm sure Rivalz-san's student council is fun.

Gino: Nunnally-sama! And Zero, too...

Nunnally: It's been a long time, everyone.

Rivalz: Nunnally!

Milly: Yo!

Kallen: Have you been well?

Nina: Welcome!

Gino: Eh? You guys know each other? But how...

Nunnally: We're all friends from the student council.

Milly: Right~

Nunnally: Sir Orange cancelled them, and they remembered.

Gino: Sir Orange? Cancelled?

Kallen: We can't talk about all the details, but... This is just like before, all of it.

Nunnally: Yes!


Nunnally: But, some things can't go back to the way they were before.

Gino: Ah.

Kallen: That's... right.

Nunnally: The building came back...

Kallen: But nothing is really... just like before.


Kallen: Eh?

Gino: Fireworks?


Jeremiah: Your Majesty, I did it just as you ordered.

Anya: Which one next? Red, or blue?

Jeremiah: Anya, are you really okay, not going down there with them? You belong there.

Anya: My memories are inside me. So... it's okay.


Gino: Who could be setting off these fireworks...?

Milly: ...it's just like he promised.

Nunnally: Eh?

Rivalz: He... promised. That we would all come back here and enjoy the fireworks.

Kallen: I see...

Nunnally: They're beautiful.

Gino: Yeah. They really are.

Milly: Shirley, Rolo. You're watching too, right?

Rivalz: They're definitely watching.

Kallen: We're all watching this light together.

Nina: And it isn't the light of battle.


Nunnally: Zero...

Suzaku: Yes.


Suzaku: (Lelouch... I wonder if you're watching from somewhere, too.

Suzaku: You said, we'll watch them together, but... that was another lie.

Suzaku: But Nunnally is smiling. Kallen and the others too.

Suzaku: This is the tomorrow that you gave us.

Suzaku: So...)

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  • 3 месяца спустя...

На fansubs.ru появились драма 19.02 и "после Реквиема".

В 19.02 в основном воспоминания Ролло. И я чего-то не понял! По сериалу говорилось, что сердечко Лелуш подарил все-таки Нанали, но потом память переписали, сердечко конфисковали и передали. А там это преподносится, как буд-то бы Лелуш сам подарил его Ролло.


П.С. Ссылки на Ютуб на первом посте уже не работают. Шпионы Санрайза не дремлют...

Изменено пользователем Vakrug (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Таки после реквиема дает ответ что Лелуш мертв. И нанали, которая типа должна была просканировать бесмертного брата, говорит что мертвых не вернуть. И апелсин, который якобы должен был вынести втихую тело, ставит свечку со словами "Как вы приказывали ваше величество" вобщем гуд
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И нанали, которая типа должна была просканировать бесмертного брата, говорит что мертвых не вернуть.


И апелсин, который якобы должен был вынести втихую тело, ставит свечку со словами "Как вы приказывали ваше величество" вобщем гуд

Скан ЛЛ не означает знаний, что он кодоносец.


Ну, ставит, и что? В смысле, это, конечно, аргумент к смерти Лелуша. Но Апельсин не сказал, кому он ставит, а народу там положили... Кроме того, Апельсин мог быть не посвящён в некоторые детали. Его отписывают к аргументам на смерть(и я в том числе) из-за лыбы. Противники говорят, что лыбится он, т.к. "джаст аз плэннэд". Но этот же факт можно использовать как то, что Апельсин был вне постРеквиемовских дёрганий.


Я уж молчу, что это мог быть спектакль для Ани. Или Апельсин ставит свечу Лелушу-человеку...


Поскольку смерть Лелуша, как и его выживание -- это научный МИФ, то холиварские отношения не прекратятся.

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  • 2 недели спустя...
эм немного недоконца разобрался в теме и мб на мой вопрос уже есть ответ но всеже прошу ответьте если саунды и если есть дайте плз на них ссылки 1) которая играла когда Лелуша проткнули мечом и 2) играющая еще в 19 серии 2го сезона когда Сузаку начал безумно смеятся а Лелуш расуждал о планах на будущее) ну в конце серии...
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эм немного недоконца разобрался в теме и мб на мой вопрос уже есть ответ но всеже прошу ответьте если саунды и если есть дайте плз на них ссылки 1) которая играла когда Лелуша проткнули мечом и 2) играющая еще в 19 серии 2го сезона когда Сузаку начал безумно смеятся а Лелуш расуждал о планах на будущее) ну в конце серии...

Это в осты, саундэпизоды к нему не относятся.

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  • 2 недели спустя...
  • 4 месяца спустя...

Появились русские субтитры на спецвыпуски 6 и 8 второго сезона (12.31 и 22.05)



П.С. Вот и 3 и 4 появились там же...

Изменено пользователем Vakrug (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  • 2 недели спустя...
Что-то я не могу найти пикчер драмы ко 2 сезону "практически на любом торренте". Смотрел анимелеер, анимереактор, торентс.ру. Где они могут быть?
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  • 8 лет спустя...

Должен же быть хоть какой-то толк от жутких рекапов, многочисленных ивенто и всяческих изданий для коллекционеров за многайен? И оказалось, что за последние пару лет накопилось совокупно аж 36 минут всяких PD-шек. Фактически целых полторы серии старого-доброго CG. Реализовать серьезный сюжет или крутой экшен формат и бюджет не позволяет, но диалоги, забавы студсовета и прочую гаремнуюшкольную движуху - запросто. Сценарий в трех случаях из четырех танигучевский, и это заметно, т.к. не корёжит изначальный канон, не выводит персов из своих образов и расширяет лор, абажуря кое-какие события. Нарисовано его давней знакомой и подельницей Юрико Чибой. Гиканутой, страшненькой, но очень опытной высококлассной аниматоршей-мехафанаткой. Тривия: ей же мы обязаны сильно не-анимешным чардизом в Странниках и симпатичными осовремененными мордашками в Буттоби. Если кто смотрел R1 c аудио-комментариями, то будучи затащенной комментировать одну из серий вместе с остальными, она предпочла отмалчиваться и увлеченно наблюдать за меха-баталиями. Озвучено почти на уровне сериалов, и гораздо лучше фильмов (лол! :lol:)



PD Stage 0.97 (хронологически перед R1)

Абажурчик на умение ЛЛ обращаться с найтмером с самых первых серий и необходимость тусоваться в около-криминальных кругах. Но главное, рассуждения ЛЛ, чего ему больше всего не хватает для начала реализации своей геволюции. Забавно тем, ЧТО именно он хотел приобрести в лице Сузаки (единственная пришедшая ему на ум кандидатура), и обломался, но получил тютя-в-тютю из совсем другого угла.



PD "Турнир анонимных признаний" к мувику:


Скрытый текст

**Lelouch's Room**


Lelouch: Just as calculated the plan to get Suzaku accepted into the Student Council was a success.


C.C.: Yes, it was just as planned that a cat happened to abscond wearing your mask.


Lelouch: And just whose fault that was in the first place? Zero's identity could've been exposed.


C.C.: It's because you left yourself completely defenseless


Lelouch: Tch! Well admit that there is definitely a security issue dealing with this mask.


C.C.: So what are you going to do, use a giant safe? Or perhaps carry it with you everywhere you go?


Lelouch: No, I’ve already come up with a scheme


C.C.: Oh?


Lelouch: Zero’s mask represents concealment. If that’s the case I’ll use a situation where even if someone discovered the Zero mask they wouldn't suspect it’s the real thing.


C.C. You’re trying to reverse the concept? By hiding the tree within the forest.


Lelouch: Student Council's hosting a "Masked Martial Arts Tournament” event. That event-loving president will be accomplishing 2 objectives.


C.C.: But will this really go the way you want it to?


Lelouch: Of course it will. My strategy is flawless.


**Ashford Rooftop**


Lelouch: "Huh??? President, what is this 'Masked Confessions Tournament!?"


Milly: "We wouldn't really be able to get away with a masked martial arts competition. So I tweaked it!"


Nina: "It would've probably gone OK for the boys, but..."


Rivalz: "Don't you guys think confessions are great? It sort of has this youthful ring to it!"


Nunnally: "Yes, it's very youthful"


Kallen: "Well, I guess if you put on a mask there are certain things you might be able to say that you wouldn't otherwise"


Suzaku: "Seems like a good way to release some stress huh?"


Lelouch: "Tch! It's a deviation, but even this Masked Confession Tournament won't stop my plan to hide the tree within the forest. All the conditions have already been cleared."


**At the Festival**


Milly: Oh! Looks like the heavy hitter is appearing right from the start


Entry #1: Koisuru Otome-san (Maiden in Love)


Shirley: I have someone I like!


Crowd: Who is it?


Shirley: It's the Student Council Vice President, Lelouch Lamperouge-kun!


Nunnally: As expected of you brother, you’re quite popular.


Rivalz: What’ll you do sexy guy


Lelouch: Well If I can’t recognize their face, I’m unable to give them an answer


Milly: Don’t you think she has a lot of heart? This girl with the swim team goggles


[Lelouch starts overthinking]


Rivalz: Hey hey, can you really not think of who this could possibly be?


Kallen: Normally just saying “Swim team” would be a big enough hint


Lelouch: It’s no good! There’s over 47 different possibilities. They’ve had me fooled from the beginning!


Milly: Shirley… Poor girl


Shirley: Lulu! I love you!!


Entry #2 is, umm… Kururugi Suzaku-san!


Rivalz: He used his real name!?


Lelouch: That guy doesn’t get the point of this event huh.


Milly: Is this what they call “bushido”? (TN: The way of the samurai, honor, that kind of stuff)


Suzaku: Umm recently when first met when in class something wonderful happened… I have actually really come to like you!


Crowd: You fucking honorary Britannian!


Suzaku: So I beg you to, umm… to please stop biting me!


Lelouch: It’s the cat huh.


Nunnally: Yup it’s the cat.


Entry #3: Kurenai Atsuki-san (Red-Hot)


Rivalz: That name is just..


Nunnally: Could it possibly be Karen-san?


Shirley: Does Karen like Lulu too?


Kallen: Hey, you Britannia assholes! Don’t get so comfortable! Because soon, I will freakin’ destroy you! You got it!?


Milly: We were wrong, there’s no way we were right.


Rivalz: Just who is this mad dog


Kallen: You’re gonna fuckin die you hear me!? (TN: She's talking about the country not killing students)


Entry #4: Kaichou Daisuki-san (Mr. I love the President)


Shirley: That name.


Lelouch: So you went out too Rivalz


Milly: Oh well, If they can’t even confess without hiding their face I’m not interested at all


Kallen: Let’s just move on to the next one


Entry #5!


Rivalz: Wait I haven’t even said anything yet!


Ramanujan Enshuritsu-san! (TN: I had to look this up, be thankful lol)


Nina: Greeting everyone, I am Ramanujanπ.


Rivalz: Nina it’s still my turn!


Nina: Today I want to profess my love for something!


Rivalz: Listen to me!


[Nina Technobabble]


**Time Passes**


Nunnally: Now there’s only 1 person remaining right?


Shirley: Zero’s mask was pretty big huh?


Suzaku: I can’t believe it. He’s just a criminal!


Milly: Even if it’s a gag, that’s quite a risky cosplay…


Lelouch (Internal): Heh heh heh, from the beginning I planned to rely on Geass. Now even if someone finds my mask they’ll mistake it for a prop from this event.


Nina: Here comes the last person, it seems they’re finally ready.


Entry #51: C.C.-san! Huh?


Lelouch: What!


Milly: C Two?


Suzaku: I wonder what it means (TN: Don’t we all buddy)


Rivalz: But looking at her guise, she’s gotta be a real beauty!


C.C.: I am C.C. what I love is Pizza and Cheese-kun!


Lelouch: This lady!


Shirley: Do you know her?


Nunnally: Yes she is brother’s… oh maybe it’s a secret?


Shirley: Wha- Nana-chan what do you mean by that?


Milly: Shh, Quiet! The secret girl is going to confess


C.C.: Recently I’ve fallen in love with a certain person


Shirley: Who is it!? it couldn’t be


C.C.: This person ran away from their home and is currently in hiding


Rivalz: Is there really someone like that at our school?


Shirley: Milly??


Milly: No, I’m not trying to hide


C.C.: This person lost their mother at a young age, and fled to a different country, together with their sibling with whom they experienced great suffering.


Crowd: Wow that’s so sad. Who is it?


C.C.: Even in these terrible circumstances, this person continues to keep their head up. For the sake of their family, they continue to smile kindly. After seeing that face, I couldn’t help but fall in love.


Lelouch: C.C….


C.C.: This person’s true name is


Lelouch: Hold up! Wait!


C.C.: Their name is-


Teachers: Hey you kids! We’ve received reports of an anti-government event at this location!


Rivalz: It’s the teachers! Run!


Nina: Why are we running?


Milly: I’ll explain it later


Suzaku: Wait, we should just explain the situation directly


Lelouch: It’ll be fine just c’mon!


**Lelouch’s Room**


C.C.: Welcome home Lelouch. You’re coming in quite late.


Lelouch: Yes, clearing up everything afterwards took hours upon hours.


C.C.: I see. Sounds rough. What?


Lelouch: C.C. I… Well about this afternoon’s confession.


C.C.: Confession?


Lelouch: You are wise. You are a beauty. You also have youthfulness and good judgment.


C.C.: Yes, it’s all true. You suddenly being so straightforward about it means something terrible is coming.


Lelouch: Actually, I’m not upset that you feel that way but… I just have so many things I have yet to accomplish. So I’m unable to accept…


C.C.: What the hell are you talking about?


Lelouch: Well you-


C.C.: Nunnally is such a good girl.


Lelouch: Huh


C.C.: When she was a child she lost her mother, lost her country, but she never lost her kindness. I fell in love with her so quickly.


Lelouch: What? Then what you meant was-


C.C.: Lelouch, it couldn’t be that you thought I meant I fell in love with you?


Lelouch: Don’t be stupid. I never thought that.


C.C.: I believe I heard you say you weren’t upset about it


Lelouch: That was just the wind blowing.


C.C.: I’m sure I heard you call me “beauty” as well


Lelouch: That was simply flattery. It would be bad for me if you ever tried to reveal my secret.


C.C.: Uh-huh~


Lelouch: What’s the meaning that triumphant utterance


C.C.: Nothing in particular~


Lelouch: Just you wait a minute. That face you have is one of a liar! I’m telling you that I knew you were talking about Nunnally the whole time!


C.C.: Yeah, yeah


Lelouch: That’s “Yes” not “Yeah, yeah”


C.C.: What are you my Mom?


Lelouch: Shut up, you’re immature!




Suzaku: Arthur-! Arthur-!


Arthur: Nyaa.


Suzaku: Arthur! I spoke to Lloyd and got permission for you. You can stay here forever. This is the home that even Princess Euphemia-


[Arthur bites him]


Suzaku: OUCH!!!!

С.С. эпично троллит "лучшую цундырь". :rolleyes: Несколько раз. И тискает большой желтый.... чиз-кун? :blink: А Сузака - грязный зоофилкошколюб.




PD Turn 12.06 (события непосредственно после Дня Купидона в R2 - прощальная вечеринка и проводы Милли) из допов в комплекту блюриков выпущенному в октябре 2016г:


Скрытый текст

RIVALZ: Testing, one two three testing. (louder) Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the Cupid Day event. And now, for the after-party, which is also President Milly's thank-you party!


MILLY: Hey, everyone! The Ashford Academy student council grew so big, all thanks to me!


EVERYONE: (cheers)


RIVALZ: Thank you, President! Thank you so much!


MILLY: Yes, yes. Thank me from your heart!


EVERYONE: (cheering and clapping) Thank you! Thank you!


[ Cut to Lelouch and Shirley, standing at the back of the room. ]


LELOUCH: I'm not sure about a thank-you party that enforces appreciation.


SHIRLEY: Yeah, but it's very much like her.


LELOUCH: (chuckling) That's true. Anyway, I've always known her as the President leading the academy, so seeing her leave is, well...


MILLY: Oooh, Lelouch, are you going to miss me?


[ Lelouch jerks back from her sudden appearance. ]


SHIRLEY: What are you doing here? What about your speech?


MILLY: It's fine. If someone wants to run the show, you should let them.


[ Rivalz is doing so right now. ]


RIVALZ: Now we'll play a special movie that sums up the president's accomplishments!


[ The video starts playing with The Last Evening

as background music. ]


SHIRLEY: (surprised) Rivalz had a movie prepared too?


LELOUCH: He should put his talents to better use.


MILLY: Lelouch. :|


LELOUCH: Huh? --What?!


[ Milly shoves his (or rather, Shirley's) Cupid's Day hat on him. ]


MILLY: The winner of Cupid Day can't forget to wear his hat!


LELOUCH: Wasn't this just for the event?! :|


MILLY: Of course not! You're to wear it for one week.




SHIRLEY: Come to think of it, I saw a blurb about that on the participation agreement...


MILLY: It has a location tracker, so don't you disarm it~.


LELOUCH: A location tracker?!


MILLY: So we can monitor the two of you, making sure you don't split up easily.


LELOUCH: T, that's...


LELOUCH'S INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: Oh no. I have to go back to the Chinese Federation after this! But wait, Shinkiro's communication jammer will take care of it. It'll easily block the signal from the location tracker... And I can't afford to make a scene right now... Oh, well. I'll give it to Sayoko later.


[ Meanwhile, the graduation video shows tiny Milly. She appears to be running a group of elementary school students into the ground. She gestures to a sign that says THREE DAYS 'TIL X'MAS, with a tiny sash around her that says GUTS on it. ]


SHIRLEY: Oh, you've been president since you were in elementary school?


MILLY: Yes, but it was called the Children's Council back then.


LELOUCH: Oh, is that so?


SHIRLEY: Huh? Lulu, you didn't already know that?


LELOUCH: I started attending Ashford in middle school.


SHIRLEY: Ah, okay.


MILLY: --Wait.




MILLY: Wasn't there... one more person back then?


LELOUCH'S INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: I see. Even though their memories were rewritten by the Emperor, that doesn't necessarily change what's deep down in their hearts.


MILLY: Umm, ummmmm, who was it?


[ Rolo slides in and puts his arms around one of Lelouch's arms. ]


ROLO: Come on, President! It was me, of course.


SHIRLEY: Ah, Rolo!


ROLO: Who other than me would be by my brother's side?


SHIRLEY: Of course, President, that must be it.


ROLO: Right, Shirley? ♥


SHIRLEY: Right, Rolo! ♥


[ They laugh together. ]


ROLO'S INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: (furiously) Shirley Fenette. I'll give you credit for taking advantage of the event. Well, if it has come to this, then I'll have to get her on my side here. I'll have her slave under Villetta and pull her off Brother someday.


LELOUCH: (suspiciously) What are you thinking, Rolo?


ROLO: Eh? W, what do you mean~?


LELOUCH: Well, your eyes looked like... Anyway, President!




LELOUCH: Are you really going to get married?


MILLY: Mmm. Are you curious~?


RIVALZ: (appearing from thin air) THEN YOU'RE NOT GOING TO?!


ROLO: Err, Rivalz-san... weren't you on stage just a second ago?


RIVALZ: This is more important, though!! So, um, Milly--


MILLY: Gino and Anya, where are they?




LELOUCH: I think they went to return their Knightmares to the army.


MILLY: I see...


SHIRLEY: Do they have something to do with it?


MILLY: Well, they asked for a favor, and it seems our family's position will be okay. They said Suzaku helped as well. You know, because Knights of the Round are special.


RIVALZ: So that means...!


MILLY: Yep, I don't have to rush into anything.


RIVALZ: WOOHOO! ALL RIGHT! ..............err, right, Shirley?




ROLO: Brother?


LELOUCH: Why are you asking me?


MILLY: (giggling) It just means I don't have to rush. And I have lots of things I wanted to do anyway.


SHIRLEY: Ohhh, so you DO have a serious side.


MILLY: Hey! (giggles) Nina gave me advice, too.


LELOUCH: Nina? You still keep in touch?


MILLY: Of course! (sad music starts) ...Maybe it's because she's working hard in the homeland, but she's gotten very mature...


RIVALZ: Heh. Do you feel a little lonely because you can't take care of Nina anymore?


MILLY: No way! People are interesting because they move forward. That goes for you, too, Lelouch. You can't always be brother-this, brother-that.


LELOUCH: Eh? What are you talking about?


MILLY: (takes a deep breath) Not changing your distance or feelings about people is your flaw!


NOTE: That's a very literal sentence, which... is probably more like, "Maintaining your distance and not letting your feelings about people change is your flaw."


[ Shirley makes an impressed noise. ]


RIVALZ: She does have a point...


LELOUCH: What?! Rolo, do you agree too?


ROLO: Um, if you think it's true, then maybe it is.


LELOUCH: So, she's right....


RIVALZ: Oh! The movie's about to end!!


MILLY: Then we need to move on to the next program.


[ The lights come up and she takes a deep breath. ]


MILLY: Okay! So now, I have something for everyone here to show my gratitude to you guys! Members of the Maid Club, please bring them out! I've cooked them all with appreciation for everybody!


EVERYONE: (cheers and claps)


ROLO: Wow, Brother!


LELOUCH: Surprisingly, giving out well-deserved thank-yous is one of her virtues.


C.C.: (evidently a member of the maid club) That's right... Lelouch.




C.C.: It wouldn't hurt to thank me or the members of the Black Knights~


ROLO: Zero, thanking people?


IMAGINARY ZERO: People! Always compliant with my orders, no matter what! My people! I shall provide you with words of appreciation!! I, Zero, will declare to you now...! I am thankful!


ROLO: .............no, no, no, no. There's no way.


LELOUCH: Rolo... what were you thinking?


ROLO: Err, about how long you're going to be wearing that hat!


LELOUCH: Hat? Oh, this. Good timing, C.C., I want you to give this to Sayoko. Tell her to keep wearing it for a week.


C.C.: (having manifested a piece of pizza from somewhere, and now eating it) Oh, so you're into that now~?


LELOUCH: Now's not the time for jokes.


C.C.: Well, that's fine. I just came to get the EU map data anyway.


LELOUCH: You say that _with pizza in your hand._


C.C.: It's fine~. Pizza tastes completely different over there.


MILLY: (back at the top of the stairs with her mic) Um, I understand everyone's enjoying the chitchat, but I'd like the new members who'll be in charge to say hello. Lelouch? Lelouch!


[ Lelouch goes to the front of the room with the others. Rivalz says, "Here's your mic," and hands it to him. ]


LELOUCH: Huh? What? Um, what about Rivalz, Shirley...?


MILLY: They'll have their turn, but we're starting with you. I wrote your greeting speech, so you just have to read it.


LELOUCH: I don't think you can call this a greet--


MILLY: Just do it.


LELOUCH: Okay, fine, fine. Uh... (suddenly in his Zero voice) People! Always compliant with my orders no matter what! My-- (breaking off and turning away from the mic) Wait, what is this?!


SHIRLEY: It's your inauguration speech as the Eternal Vice President.


LELOUCH: Eternal?!


[ Fireworks start. ]




MILLY: Aww, we couldn't finish the speeches in time... Oh, well. Rivalz, take it away!


RIVALZ: Yes, ma'am. Okay, everyone! Please look outside. Right now, at this very moment, we're watching the fireworks. Please remember this view. The world is changing. Not just Area 11, but the homeland has various agendas as well. I'm sure the world is moving towards something. And so will we. From here on out, we will experience many things. Some will be good, others may not go as intended. We may go our separate ways. But please remember this view that we are seeing today. As long as we have this feeling inside us, we will always be friends!


LELOUCH: Rivalz says nice things sometimes.


SHIRLEY: He's really good at things like this.


MILLY: Lelouch, you could learn a thing or two about making speeches from him.






LELOUCH: Rolo, don't laugh.


ROLO: Ah, sorry.


LELOUCH: Actually, we had something like this before. Kallen was there, Nunnally was there, and... (trails away) I wonder if they remember that day. The feelings we had then.


C.C.: People are always changing.


LELOUCH: That's true, but I believe that's why we need a place to go back to.


C.C.: (chuckle) Where is your home? With the Black Knights? With your sister? Or--


LELOUCH: What a foolish question. That's--


C.C.: That's...?


[ The fireworks trail off. ]


MILLY: Okay, Lelouch! Let's do that speech again!


LELOUCH: What? We're still going to do it?!


RIVALZ: Also, could you maybe not give your hat to the maid? Come on, wear your hat and go to the stage and give your speech!


SHIRLEY: Lulu, over here!


CROWD: Lelouch! Lelouch! Lelouch! (clapping)


RIVALZ: Lelouch, your girlfriend's calling for you~


LELOUCH: (weak laughter) Why am I being humiliated...? (sounds of him going up to the stage)

Гаремная движуха с жирными намеками от всех заинтересованных участников. Милли даже набирается смелости напрямую указать Лелушу на его нездоровую фиксацию на Нане в комплекте с хронической слепотой к чувствам окружающих. И объяснение, насколько серьезная крыша ей потребовалась, чтобы отвертеться от уже одобренного императором брака с Ллойдом и не навлечь при этом на семью страшные кары. Ключевой момент: сначала ЛЛ стоит один в темном помещении в круге света от прожектора, который спустя несколько секунд выхватывает стоящую рядом С.С., и освещает их уже вдвоём, пока они наблюдают за фейерверком. Беседуя о том "что же считать домом?": где это, а точнее - "с кем?". Клишированно? Ещё как, но проявления романтики в аниме разнообразием не блещут. Так уж повелось, что совместные посмотрелки фейерверка у одиннадцатых проходят в чек-листе как "бондинг и романтика S-класса", лишь немногим уступающая "встрече под цветущей сакурой".

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