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Няшные монстры хаоса. Баланс брейкер, настика преобразовался в мире людей.



Не плохая глава.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...



и английский спойлер кней

Gandharva asks Visnu how it'd be if he weren't Gandharva. As a King, there are so many things he has to focus on. All he wants is to live happily with Menaka, and prioritize other things. He didn't ask to be King, why should he live as such? Rather, if he hadn't received the Name 'Gandharva' in the beginning, he would... Visnu says that Menaka wouldn't have come to him if he weren't Gandharva. This silences him. Visnu continues that he was able to obtain strong power, but conversely, he may (will?) lose a lot as well. I think he says that not everything has to do with the name? As strong as his Name is, it will also bring him innumerable trials. Remarkable people, overwhelming happiness, even friendship surpassing the species, he can get all of it. Gandharva is confused, and asks if the dazzling person is Menaka, the overwhelming happiness is his soon to be born child, and the friendship that surpasses species is him (Visnu)? Visnu just smiles and says yes. Gandharva says if he can stay with his family and friends forever, he can put up with the discomfort of being King. Visnu adds that the Name is neither good nor evil. But unfortunately, nothing is eternal. Everything is merely a possibility. What Gandharva obtains, what he loses, who he decides to go with (?). Gandharva complains that he's speaking in riddles again, and asks him to speak in a way easier to understand. Visnu laughs. And in present time, Gandharva thinks that Visnu would have even seen this future. His wife, his daughter, his friends... he has nothing left to lose, and not a single reason to live.


Agni calls Gandharva, and Gandharva suddenly recovers consciousness. Agni tells him to wake up, asking why he was out (?). Gandharva is just confused and says wasn't Agni going to kill him? Why... Agni says he knows that as long as the other guy is watching, Gandharva can't speak. He can tell him now. With the transcendental Bottomless Fire, they are now beneath fire. Even if that guy secured the land, this is a space where he can't intervene. But Agni will kill him if he speaks out loud (or runs out?). Gandharva looks at the bottomless pit. Agni continues that if Gandharva rejects this chance, even Agni won't bother anymore. If Gandharva doesn't want to fall there forever, he should start talking before Agni loses patience. Looking sad, Gandharva asks why Agni is doing this for him and showing such tolerance. He has already become weak. Even if they are on the same side, it wouldn't give Agni an advantage. Agni yells that this is frustrating, and asks if he's a Rakshasa (me: *eyes Maruna*). Why is he saying that? Gandharva continues to look confused, so Agni apologizes, saying that he's a bit impatient in this state. He shouldn't drag this on too long. His Priestess is alright for now, but even so... Gandharva looks down, and asks how it'd change things now even if he were to speak of it. The dead won't revive. He'd been grasping at a straw, but he wants to stop and rest now...


Agni punches him and accuses him of having the mentality of a kid. Gandharva is shocked. Agni tells him that he's seen many people like him, people who hate living on (me: *eyes Leez*). They have no reason to live, and Gandharva currently has the same eyes as them. Agni notes that after Menaka died, he held on because of his daughter, but look what's happened. He wants to escape because he made a mistake (?). Including Gresvan, many stars were destroyed because of him. Many humans died because of him. Did he ever feel guilt for that? Gandharva thinks of Teo and doesn't respond. Seeing him, Agni adds that luckily, it seems he does feel a little remorse at least. Why do Nastika want to die, even knowing that they'd be extinguished without an afterlife? No, that's not right. He could live even for the humans who have died. While living he can search for something to accomplish. There are no laws against Nastika taking the side of humans? So...


Agni suddenly feels something. He wonders what it is, as there is still enough vigor. Someone is threatening Brilith. Realizing this, he quickly undoes the transcendental and leaves. Left alone, Gandharva thinks that Agni is giving him a chance even in this situation. He wonders how wide his heart is for such an act. Compared to him... Gandharva wonders: if he's on the side of humans, could he walk together with him. He also wonders about creating a reason to live.


A group of magicians and fighters note that the water has evaporated and the Sura has disappeared. Does that mean he is now in Sura form? They think that he probably did that to avoid Agni-nim and hide somewhere. However, how can they recognize a Nastika in human form? One of them tells Parr to tell them as soon as she recognizes one of those who attacked Teo-nim and took her. Another notes however that they must be apart from the Sura who attacked the city. Parr says that Teo-nim would have to be safe.


Спойлеры взяты http://www.batoto.ne...forward/page-85 отсюда.

Изменено пользователем Felin (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Там рядом гуляет Аша с магией Вишну. Ну или рояль какой выскочит. Изменено пользователем Felin (смотреть историю редактирования)
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  • 2 недели спустя...


Боевая арка началась.

Изменено пользователем Мистик +-+ (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Стоп, а как Лиз регенерирует?

Это же один из скилов браслета. Откат повреждений. Ещё на тесте магии её подруга вмазала по ней магией, чтобы Лиз показала потрясающую силу магии при самоизлечении.

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Если побочные эффекты меча так легко обходятся то к чему вообще было нагнетать атмосферу с потерей регенерации?
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Если побочные эффекты меча так легко обходятся то к чему вообще было нагнетать атмосферу с потерей регенерации?

Проспойлери. Я чёт давно уже не читал нормально.


В самой главе вокруг Лиз зелёная спираль, это как раз эффект отката повреждений.

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Ну меч же блокирует регенерацию своего владельца. В 53-ей главе Аша ее по этому поводу отчитывала, а оказывается серьезные раны Лиз все равно не страшны.
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@Мистик +-+, На английском:


Summary: Yuta knows that his decision will determine the outcome of his growth, but he can't bring himself to give up one of the two. He can't. 'Leez' is trembling all over, wondering why he showed up now. Suddenly, she reverts to her normal self, and is surprised that she had another blackout. Looking at the Sword of Re in her hand, she then wonders when she went to get it, then wonders why her vigor has been depleted.


Maruna lands in front of Yuta, and asks him if he's Jatayu. Yuta smiles and confirms to his Hyung-nim (big brother) that he's Jatayu. He's still only 2nd stage so he probably didn't change much from before. However, Hyung-nim grew to 4th-stage since! Awesome! Looking in Leez' direction, Yuta then suggests leaving that place as soon as possible, since they might get noticed by humans and get bothered by needless fights. Hyung-nim shouldn't go to the level of dealing with humans, so he should just leave that girl alone. Looking at Yuta though, Maruna is thinking: ... is not. One of the other two. Jatayu? Kalavinka? Is that the real name (not sure about this part)? ... doesn't believe. He's been lied to. So the children of Garuda... as well. A single failure... there isn't. (broken sentences, no idea what they mean D: Help!) Maruna clenches his fists.


Yuta calls Maruna. Maruna then asks him to come to the Sura realm. He explains that Father succumbed right after the Cataclysm. He isn't dead, but he's in a very bad condition. Yuta notes that he had no idea. Maruna smiles and (omg he Can smile) says it's fine. They have someone to open a path to the Sura realm. Maruna is helping him now. They should look for Kalavinka then all go to the Sura realm together. Yuta looks surprised, then asks if perhaps, the help involves... Maruna says that it isn't a big deal. They just have to follow instructions and kill some humans. Yuta is shocked. Looking sideways, Maruna continues that it's been a very easy task, because everyone died in one shot from his transcendentals. Although that human was lucky and escaped alive, he can kill her now so... the shocked Yuta clutches his chest, asking him why, saying that he didn't need to do that to meet up (?). Confused, Maruna asks what he means. In order to meet up, so what if a few humans die? They'll look for Kalavinka, then return to the nest. Jatayu shouldn't think of anything else. Still clutching his chest, Yuta notes that they shouldn't have met up in the first place (?). Otherwise, why did they have to break up? Because of the Power of the Name, it would have been dangerous for them to be together, so they were separated. But if they got back together on purpose... no, it wasn't right. Yuta thinks of their goodbye scene. Maruna doesn't respond. Yuta continues that he was also looking for Hyung-nim, and it was nice to meet him, but he thinks they shouldn't act like this. They certainly shouldn't get back together with Kalavinka (?). They should only greet one another occasionally, not bother getting back together. So, Hyung-nim should stop killing humans. However, Maruna tells him, let's go back. Smiling, he says he wants to go back to the happy days from before (holy cow he really Does know how to smile, doesn't he get cramps from never smiling?).


At that moment Leez tells Yuta to stand back. He shouldn't approach carelessly. That person isn't a Half, but a Superior Sura. She stands protectively in front of him, then thinks to herself that she's so sleepy that it's hard to stand. How did she become like this? She tells Yuta to run away quickly, leaving Yuta speechless (well, moreso than usual). Maruna is just confused by the fact she called him 'Yuta'.


Outside of Kalibloom, a person asks the representative-nim about the purpose of the heavy-looking cloak. Lutz explains that his brother sent it to him to have it modified. The girl replies that she envies the representative-nim's brother, since he can get items modified directly by the Priest of Creation. A man notes that there's trouble. From there on, they shouldn't be able to see the stars because of the influence of the Chaos barrier. Since the stars are visible, there must be a problem with the barrier. The girl notes that they'd better hurry then. If the barrier of Chaos is broken anyway, should they teleport again? The man doesn't want to risk it, since the Chaos barrier interferes with calculations, so they may die, so... the girl still objects that they shouldn't be walking if there's a problem with the city. Since the calculations are complex, they could first experiment with a relatively safe spell... Hearing that, Lutz asks to borrow the girl's staff for a while. The girl is surprised, since it's just going to fall apart, but Lutz says it's fine, since he isn't going to fight with it. He casts Hoti Indra Bhavati Brahma, then notes that there are no problems with the calculations. The barrier of Chaos is completely broken. The others watch, surprised, as the staff changes (into a much cooler xD) shape. The girl starts stuttering, and Lutz asks her if he should change it back if she doesn't like it, which she quickly denies. Lutz then says they should head straight for the Temple. At that point, someone shouts to look at the sky. Lutz looks up, and is surprised to see Kasak (about time! He seems to be alone, drats).


Изменено пользователем Felin (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Щит гетс риал.


Сдается мне, что Юта с Маруной неизбежно законфликтуют. Идеологические несостыковки. Может быть, не сейчас. Рановато для экшна такого рода. Сейчас, сскоорее всего, все кончится реактивацией барьера, вмешательством Гандарвы и/или Каззака. Да и жрицу как-то воскресят. Может, Гандарва этим как раз и озаботился.

А Лиз, я думаю, Аша вытащит из-под удара.

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Это если Гандхарва жив еще.

Ну он то наверняка жив. Да и полукровки бы отреагировали бы на его смерть. Маруна тоже не выглядит переживающим за судьбу учителя.

Гандарва - настика. Той атакой маги и ракшасу бы не завалили (в человеческом облике - о сура-форме и говорить нечего).

Ранили - может быть. Убили - невозможно.

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Не совсем врубаюсь тоже, но тут или создательница меча, то есть богиня Хаоса, что было бы очень круто, или какая нибудь сущность созданная ею и помещённая для использования хозяина меча.

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그래도... leez, 난이게 사랑이라고 믿고 싶어요. 이걸로 당신은 내 정체를 알고, 날 싫어하게 되겠죠. 그래도 상관없어요. 내가 좋아하니까 그걸로, 중분해요.

He did chose leez!!! He basically says "I want to believe this is love. With this you will know my identity and hate me. But I don't care. I love you with it, incrementally."


и ещё:


Kasak is angry that he got delayed be those weird things from portal and wants to find and kill Yuta before he grows to next stage. (Oops.)


Maruna is angry Yuta got fallen in love with insignificant human and wants to kill Leea and drag Yuta to Sura realm. (Ouch.)


Yuta is thankful for Leez keep on trying to help him out of pure heart. (Yay!)


But he can't return the pureness. Perhaps Mother was right. (Wat..)


Yet even so, Yuta wants to believe it is love. (Yay?)









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Summary: (thanks to Random-Webtoon-Fan for clarifying a few parts beforehand)


The magicians are surprised to see Kasak showing up in Kalibloom. They then notice something stuck to his hair. Annoyed, Kasak smashes into a mountain to get rid of them. He then complains that he was supposed to arrive in 30 minutes, but because of those pests... He says that nonetheless he shouldn't have kept him alive. He has to find and kill him before he grows, that guy named 'Yuta.'


Surprised by the name Yuta, Maruna asks 'Jatayu' what this means. Yuta starts stuttering that, in fact... Maruna interrupts him, saying that he can tell him later: the human is holding something dangerous, so he'll listen to him once he kills her. Maruna then tells his brother to stand back, as he prepares another transcendental. However, Yuta tells him he can't, and nullifies his attack. Glancing once at his nullified attack, Maruna says he doesn't know how to interpret the situation. That human tried to kill him just before. Clutching at his chest, Yuta responds that it's because... Maruna attacked that human's village first... Maruna notes that he doesn't recall telling him about a village. So, was this his own fault then? Looking down, Yuta says that rather than his brother being wrong... the other person may take this standpoint of seeking revenge (?). Maruna repeats: 'this' standpoint? Looking disappointed, he then asks Yuta if he didn't lose his identity from staying in the human realm too long. Since when did he live while thinking of the humans' standpoint? Yuta can't respond to that. Maruna tells him that if he understands, he should stop interrupting. However, Yuta says it can't be right, and asks him to please spare her.


In the meantime, Leez is confused as to why he's hesitating? But did he try to attack just now? Looking serious, Maruna asks Yuta if by chance he got close to that human. Looking up, perhaps more hopeful, Yuta says that that is the case. In fact, the name 'Yuta'... however Maruna just says that it's unbelievable. A Rakshasa of the proud Garuda clan is hanging out with a mere human, even a human who tried to kill his brother. It is really disappointing. What does this human mean to him? It she precious enough to separate him from family by blood? Yuta starts to respond, but looking at Leez' back, he suddenly pictures her back with her clothes off (even her hair curls are down o,o). Blushing, he quickly looks down. Maruna asks why he doesn't answer (well, 'because I'm horny' probably isn't a good answer?'), then notes that he still doesn't seem to have given up on the human. It would not be easy to make him go to the Sura realm (?)... Smiling a bit, Yuta asks if he's just going to send him there? However, Maruna says no: he'll kill the human, then drag him to the Sura realm, even if he has to force him to. He takes Sura form. I think Yuta is thinking that it isn't for the sake of trying to take him?


Worried, Leez notes that Maruna took Sura form. Then she asks Yuta why he's still there. Didn't he hear that he's supposed to escape?! Crying, Yuta thinks to himself that she isn't running away first (?). Why is it always her? He remembers when she tried to protect him against the Half hunters, then against Taraka, and thinks that even against enemies against whom she couldn't win, she always tried to protect him... Leez speaks up again. She tells him that she can't beat him. She isn't sure if it'll work, but that guy has been chasing her since Atera. He might follow her if she runs away, so the both of them should run in opposite directions... Still crying, Yuta silently thanks her. Without thinking of the pros and cons, she always helped him out of a pure heart, and he thanks her so much for it. Even between blood-related brothers, (something about different species). Worried, Leez asks him if he heard her. He mustn't look back. He shouldn't cry! He should be able to survive! Yuta continues to think that it would be nice if he could protect her with a pure heart, but why is his heart so terrible? Perhaps his mother was right. Maruna approaches, and Leez tells Yuta to escape again. Yuta concludes that however, he wants to believe that this is love. The area around him turns dark. Leez looks back in confusion. Yuta thinks that with this, she'll know his identity and hate him. But he doesn't care. He loves her, and that's enough for him. Yuta has evolved to third stage.



Whoa, I was right, Yuta probably didn't want to tell Maruna immediately that Leez is his friend because his brother might disapprove anyway. And Maruna did disapprove. Jerk. >_>


Leez! T__T Oh you... even to the end, she wanted to serve as bait so that Yuta could escape safely. Ack, I have a small essay on the relationship between Yuta and Leez that I was too lazy to finish and post, but I really should finish that up. Yuta may have been initially attracted to her because of a case of mistaken hunger (plus he Wanted to believe that he could feel love), but all this time, Leez has been caring of him and even risked her life for his sake. How could he Not like her (especially when you throw appetite/lust into the mix >_> )? ;_;


And yeah, those are definitely Taraka Sura clinging onto Kasak. So there are Taraka Sura in whatever space Kasak has to travel through? What did he learn, to suddenly change his mind about Yuta? Did he meet Taraka in that space and suddenly realize that it was not a good idea to spare Yuta? ... he's going to attack Yuta upon seeing him, ain't he? >_>;;


I wonder if Leez will suspect Claude of having cast a death spell on Yuta. Oh boy. ... would be fun to see Leez trying to beat him up as a result however. Whom do you think is scarier? An angry Laila or an angry Leez? >_>


Today I've been called Mizuri and Mazura. But it's okay, I'm feeling giddy and incoherent from the excitement as well. :)


Oh by the way: the Taraka Sura ability can only prevent Nastika from taking Sura form, not Rakshasa and below. Confirmed? (in fact, I think this is what Currygom is saying in the me2day she just posted...)




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