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MangaGamer.com has re-opened as a site for all-ages!

Для не знакомых с английским переведу: MangaGamer.com стал сайтом для всех возрастных групп (в прошлом, напомню, там при входе висело большое 18+)...

Но это не значит, что они прекратили продажу эроге!



SWAN SONG v0.5 -- новый перевод от Yandere Translations!

50% текста готово, но не меню и беез окончаний.

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Ура! :)


Тем временем какое то очень подозрительное голосование проводится на сайте http://www.nnl1.com/ -- к чему бы это? :wacko:

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Последняя новость на странице переводчиков эф

"2009.12.16 Updated status. Translation is past 99.9%. Hmm, what could that mean?"

+ в статусе везде указаны 100%

= сегодня/завтра релиз ^_^

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Notice about putting Little Witch on indefinite hold


After the Jan. 29. release of 'Sugar Coat Freaks', the Little Witch brand will be put on indefinite hold. Excepting support, the business will go into hibernation.


While the desire to make new games has not diminished, if we were to start developing another right now, it is clear that many people would be inconvenienced by monetary problems before arriving at product launch, and so the conclusion to temporarily come to a halt has been reached.


Looking back, the Little Witch project had, from the start, been a series of hardships and suffering.

But still, that we had come as far as we did, was thanks to the assistance of all our fans, and our fundamental desire for creating games has not changed either.

How can we make games that are more interesting? Even now, that is all we think about.

Further, how can we continue to make games?

We would very much like to discover a way to continuously make games, and a framework to keep growing.


To the fans who supported Little Witch for nine years, thank you very much.

Of the project currently under development, 'Sugar Coat Freaks', the team is working with all their ability its final polish.

To be able to convey some better news, we will not relax until it reaches gold master, and carry out the last adjustments.


Little Witch PR guy, 2009.XII.17.

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Драма, больше походившая на фарс, сдулась, так толком и не начавшись. NNL в пролёте. Видимо, не понимали что в нынешнем коммюнити никто не станет идти на поводу у троллей. Изменено пользователем WinKi-тян (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Взято с 4chan'а:

Visual Novel translation status


>Air- 52.47%

Akatsuki no Goei- Almost done the common route, and a small amount of work on two of the character routes (5423 lines translated total).

>Baldr Force EXE- Total (lines) Total: 769/26654 (2.89%)

Baldr Sky - Strato, an experienced translator, is interested in translating this

Canvas2- 6 routes "mostly finished", final route half done, translator's goal is early next year

Carnival - 74/9832 lines, 11.90/701.44 KB

Danzai no Maria -The Exorcism of Maria- being translated.

Devils Devel Concept-15% finished, Dark Translation guy plans to spend all of January on this.

>EF- Translation complete, now just waiting on editing

>Eien No Aselia- Translation of the script is now more than 2/3rds finished, at 76.8%

Entomic Impurity- 33%

>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- All major projects are now consolidated onTLWiki, 25.5%

Farland Symphony - alive and active again, "So to summarize, I need to finish re-inserting the script, re-word the item descriptions, and then have Daichi edit the graphics again."

Fortune Arterial, active again,Prologue: 100% complete (~40% of any given route), Kiriha route 30%, Haruna route 7%

Galaxy Angel 1 - Everything translated, some editing remains

Gore Screaming Show- new project by Vermilion Raven with help from his sensei on grammar

G-Senjou no Maou- now a TLWiki project, Total: 33013/41247 lines (80.04%), 1427.85/1811.40 KB (78.83%)

Haramasete Seiryuu-kun- 1070 lines translated. School releated break for the next week or two

>Hatsukoi- 19.533%

Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Yuma Shichiri's route 1% translated

Ijiwaru MyMaster- active, deciding if they should put out a prologue patch or not

>Kara no Shoujo - 25% or so, being translated by Apoptosis, has been hacked

>Katahane - 594/6830 (8.7%) of the Trial.

>> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)11:27 No.3941488

Killer Queen - new project, original plan was to translate the remake, but because the original is superior that is now being translated

Kizuato - Translation going quickly, 10% done over the past couple weeks, estimated to be completed in a couple months

Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate - 79.7% finished the patch they are working on

Himekishi Lilia - "Anyway Lilia's release guaranteed this month, well unless I get abducted by aliens to write hentai"

Little Busters/Little Busters EX- 52% of the original game is translated, Common route and "Rin 1" patch released. Also- "Are you translating Ecstacy?" --- "We'll get to it in due time, yes. "

Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 16.4%, no progress these past 2 weeks, and .1% progress the week before

Majikoi- "Majikoi still being hacked."

M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 46%

>Miss Leet in Prison - Love Potion Sex Training Revenge- Dark Translations is working on it, now at 75%, mainly thanks to some person who paid a commission of $575.

Musumaker- People at Hongfire working on it

Narcissu Side 2nd- lol

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ -Scripts translation 64/170 (37.6%), demo out as a stand alone release

Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga - new translation project

>Pastel!- 5/172 scripts done

Popotan- project active over on Hongfire

Princess Lover- 1.5%, don't expect anything from this group

Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- 20.09% released, scripts for next patch finished, just waiting for the installer

>Remember11- Kokoro Chapter is fully translated, 121/155 scripts (excluding TIPS) translated

School Days- Chapter 1 completed

>Sekien no Inganock-Complete patch released

Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on

Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo- Total by KB: 242/723 (33.47%), total by lines: 3059/9239 (33.10%)

>> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)11:27 No.3941495

Sono Hanabira- Editing forever

Sumaga- Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released

Sweet Pool- 22%

Symphonic Rain- Beta is out, very highly recommend that you wait for the final release

Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu- LoSs is translating this, from a post of his when someone said it was stalled "Damn, I'm so tired of mentoning that tenshi no inai 12 gatsu is not stalled. "

Tick Tack- Perhaps a troll, perhaps not. At least 1 script is translated however

Togainu No Chi- 57% translated

Tomoyo After- No Progress this past month

To Heart2- 34.5%

Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated

Umineko 5- 100% translated, >40% edited.

Under The Moon- "Overall, I estimated that I'm about 3% through the game. Sigh. But, it's progressing, slowly but surely!"

>Yaminabe Aries- finished and released, enjoy your furry

Yosuga no Sora - Translation project started with a couple translators

>YU-NO- Total: 16366/98392 lines (16.63%) 653.56/3995.61 KB (16.36 %), Prologue fully translated, prologue patch released

>> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)11:28 No.3941497

Official work



Soul Link- December 28th, enjoy your uncensored game

>Higurashi Question Arcs - Released on the 15th

Higurashi Answer Arcs - February

Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia- End of January, translation complete

Kohime Musou - Late February

Kira Kira Curtain Call- End of March, translation in progress

D.C.I.F. -Da Capo Innocent Finale- June

Da Capo II - Possibly July.

Dear Drops Likely 2010

Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well




Cat Girl Alliance- In Beta now, scheduled for this winter

Raidy II- Winter

Downhill Night 2 - "And the 2nd game in the series is not far behind."

Demonbane- Hopefully early next year, can now be preordered

Jingai Makyou- Hopefully early next year, Jast claimed they would like it out before Anime Expo 2010.

Nitro Royale- being translated

DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release



HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future


Upcoming from active fan groups

Amaterasu- They will begin something depending on what Ixrec feels like translating

NNL- Through all their random trolling, it appears they are planning on picking something up once they are finished Ef.

Himawari is likely to be picked up by the team who did Sharin no Kuni


Стало известно, что 5-ый chapter Уминек полностью переведён, остался тока editing -_-

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На сайте http://www.nnl1.com/ победителем голосования стала некая "Swells" :lol: Кто думает, какая это визуалка на самом деле? Моя теория: Swells=Eden ^_^
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Внезапный анонс внезапен:


ChaoS;HEAd Love Chu-Chu, или сказ о том, как девчонки к Таку клеились. Замес с Noah II закончился, но желание перестать быть бесполезным хикки-задротом создаёт параллельную реальность, и чтобы выйти из неё, нужно убить Сейру. А до тех пор можно и поразвлекаться...

Релиз состоится 25 марта, 360 Only.


[off]Ну и, конечно, ещё один сингл Фантазма нам гарантирован.[/off]

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Вышел Soul Link на английском ^_^ Изменено пользователем Usagi-san (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Походу Eden таки будут переводить, причём не NNL )) так что вполне может быть, при условии, что Swells=Eden -- NNL будет переводить второе место по голосованию.. Comyu! :)
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Вышел сырой, неполный (~25%) перевод Fate/Hollow Ataraxia на английский. Не то чтобы великая новость, но дело сдвинулось с мёртвой точки
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  • 2 недели спустя...


Интервью с верхушкой JAST USA. Всем интересующимся цензурой, Nitroplus и VN в России к прослушиванию обязательно.

Изменено пользователем Певец Белой Прямой (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Топ-25 лучших VN года по версии ErogameScape:


Удивлён, что Вальсия так низко.
Изменено пользователем Певец Белой Прямой (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Вести с NNL.

DS55: xD, Hey, I've done more of SWELLS (2000) than they have of eden* (1932) and there's 3 groups of them!

GipFace: You are obviously a hydra! More than three heads!

De-JaY: Muahahaha

Could this be SWELLS?


Кто-нибудь скриншот может опознать?

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Кто-нибудь скриншот может опознать?

Moldavite от Clover. Хочешь сказать они ее переводом занялись?

Изменено пользователем Archmag (смотреть историю редактирования)
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Перевод My Girlfriend is the President достиг психологически важной отметки в 50%.



После редактуры некоторых скриптов можно ждать патч Путиной.

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The Hell continues.


Based on the Japanese smash-hit PC game, in this stunning and heartbreaking conclusion, Josh and Saya track down the rogue doctors performing barbaric, experimental surgeries on human subjects... all in a quest to gain access to Saya's world. Josh and Saya's pledge to put a stop to it all culminates in a blood-soaked, mind-blowing finale in which they both pay the ultimate price.
Based on the Japanese smash-hit PC game, the story continues with Josh's crippling pain held at bay by Saya's touch. He now seeks answers to both of their questions: What is the nightmarish world that threatens to overcome Josh's sanity? Once Josh discovers the horrifying conspiracy he's been embroiled in, he realizes it may already be too late...


А между тем, первый выпуск уже поступил в продажу. Сканы можно ждать уже на этих выходных.



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